27 Nov

It's a beautiful Sunday morning here in Rubavu. I have just checked out of Palm Beach Resort, nestled on the shore of Lake Kivu.  

Two days ago, I indulged in an exhilarating adventure motorbike ride from Kigali to the northern tip of Lake Kivu. Upon arrival, I took off my riding boots and slipped my feet into a pair of flip-flops. Then I activated relax mode and chilled at Saga Bay with two friends, both of whom had escaped the hustle and bustle of the capital city.

Later in the evening, I twisted the throttle to the aforementioned resort in Nyamyumba Sector. The facility comprises several cozy rooms (single and twin beds), a 13-bed dormitory, deluxe tents, and an apartment. There is something for everyone. 

Palm Garden Resort is heavenly

When I woke up yesterday, I had breakfast and laced up my hiking shoes. One step after another, I toiled my way to the top of Rubona Hill. For the record, Palm Garden Resort is built at the foot of the said hill.  

The view from the summit was breathtaking. From that vantage point, I marveled at Akeza Island, Amashyuza Peninsula and the grandeur of the hills surrounding the lake. 

On the other side of my viewpoint, I was awestruck by the panoramic vista of Rubavu Beach and parts of Goma. The latter is the capital and commercial hub of DR Congo's North Kivu Province.

View From Rubona Hill

Later in the afternoon, I boarded a boat and sailed around the islets of Akeza, Kabakingi and Kabakobwa. There is an intriguing story behind each one of these magical creations, but that's a story for another day.

Found on the northern flank of the Kivu Belt, Rubavu District is blessed with many tourist attractions. The administrative area offers a wide range of exciting activities, and product diversification is taking shape.

My Rubavu getaway has created lasting memories, and Palm Garden Resort has exceeded my expectations. I wish I had more time in this enchanting sub-destination. Unfortunately, I have to hit the road and return to Kigali.   

Goodbye Rubavu