03 Sep

Our ancestors did a lot of walking and enjoyed sound health. Then came the Industrial Age and its ensuing revolution. Automobiles were invented, and jobs that make us sit down all day were created. The new lifestyle, devoid of physical activities, led to the emergence of a plethora of diseases.

Chances are, you have come across a litany of studies revealing the impact of regular walking on reducing the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Walking is also an effective weapon in the fight against obesity, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and diabetes, to name but a few.

In addition, the oldest form of exercise improves memory and combats the deterioration of brain tissue caused by old age. This simple but highly rewarding activity can be done by old people without stressing their delicate joints.

Regular walking increases our creative output by 60% while stimulating a free flow of ideas. Researchers call this kind of creativity divergent thinking. Engaging in activities that allow our minds to wander empowers our innovative acumen.

I am writing this from Cyimbiri Guest House in Cyimbiri Sector, Rutsiro District. Earlier today, I walked all the way from Nyamyumba Beach, covering about a dozen kilometers. This long, vigorous walk in the countryside was food for my soul. While burning calories, I experienced life in rural Rwanda and learned more about the watershed that separates the drainage basins of Africa’s most iconic rivers.

The route I pursued is popularly known as the Congo Nile Trail. It spans from Rubavu to Rusizi via Rutsiro, Karongi, and Nyamasheke. Meandering along the stunning shoreline of Lake Kivu, this scenic path is attracting energetic tourists determined to discover the hidden gems of the Kivu Belt.